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“True joy is not the joy of the senses, true joy is the one that transcends your senses, and goes past them to the heart of the (inner Heavenly) Light where you would drown in the Heart of God, see His Light and melt in His love. […] Whenever you want to look to the outside, close your eyes and look to the inside, then start seeing the outside more clearly; and whenever you want to hear, COVER YOUR EARS and LISTEN TO THE INNER VOICE; then you will start hearing better.” ~ The Venerated Enlightened Saint Charbel Makhlouf, O.L.M (vegan) LISTEN TO THE INNER VOICE refers to Quan Yin meditation practice Master: That’s the best thing that happened to us – the Quan Yin Method. […] Meditate first; everything else comes along. For more details, please visit: SupremeMasterTV.com/Meditation